Program Description

The Department of Theatre and Dance offers courses in the fields of acting, dance, directing, choreography, design and technical theatre, theatre and dance history, multicultural theatre, dramatic literature, music for dance, speech, and others. Course requirements for both the major and the minor programs provide for flexibility and allow students considerable choice in planning their academic careers.

BA in Theatre Majors, BA in Dance Majors, and minors in theatre and dance also participate in the department's ambitious production program by working behind the scenes (scenic design and construction, lighting, stage management) and in front of the house (box office, publicity and marketing house management). Academic credit is provided for such participation.

The Theatre and Dance Production Handbook

When students participate in our production program, they enroll in THE 346: Theatre Workshop, where they are expected to follow the directions outlined in our Production Handbook [PDF].These guidelines are meant to help students learn production skills while working on our shows. 

Photo By Skye Schmidt