Auto Accident Procedure

A process flow of steps that would take place if an employee were to be in an auto accident.

Auto Accident Procedure

If you are involved in a motor vehicle collision while engaged in university business or while driving a university owned vehicle: 

  1. Determine if you or anyone involved in the accident needs immediate medical assistance and, if so, call 911.

  2. At the accident scene, make no comments or statements regarding the incident to anyone except the investigating law enforcement agency, your supervisor, or CSUDH Risk Management.

  3. If any law enforcement agency responds to the scene, request and obtain a police report number.

  4. If you are driving a campus or state vehicle, use the STD 269 card in the glove compartment to write down as much information as you can about the incident.

  5. Tear off the perforated part and give it to the other driver so that they will know that you work for CSUDH and have our contact information.

  6. In every case, immediately notify Risk Management via email at or via phone at (310) 243-3867.

  7. Complete STD 270 Form (Vehicle Accident Report) within 24 hours and, if obtained, include the police report number. Submit the report to your supervisor.

  8. Supervisor completes STD 274 Form (State Driver Accident Review).

  9. Supervisor submits both forms STD 270 and STD 274 within 48 hours of the incident, to Risk Management via email at

  10. Risk Management reports the incident to the California State Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM).

  • If you are driving a rental vehicle while on university business, report the accident to the rental car provider and follow their instructions for handling the vehicle.
  • If you are driving a privately-owned vehicle, your personal insurance is primary. Report the accident to your auto insurance provider in addition to campus Risk Management.
  • Refer all inquiries from the other parties or their representatives to Risk Management at or 310-243-3867.

Questions? Please email Risk Management at