
学生希望你有所准备, 知识渊博,充满热情, 合理有序的, 愿意引导讨论, 回答问题, 提出有趣的问题. 科罗拉多州立大学Dominguez Hills的《澳门十大赌场注册平台》, 你可以通过学生行为链接找到学生行为政策和程序 http://wjak.azarnewsonline.com/student-conduct/.

Students also expect you to meet your scheduled appointments; it is frustrating to students when an instructor is not at an appointment and the department staff does not know where that person is. Please call the department from your cell phone from traffic; and, 让他们知道发生了什么,以便有人能够协助任何询问. 为了方便起见,我们建议将部门电话号码添加到您的手机联系人列表中.

你可能想看一下 PTE验船表格 学生们将在课程结束前用它来评估课程.