Ted Wang




办公室:SI 321
电话:310 243-3376
传真:310 243-2593


Ph.D., Mathematics and Science Education; University of California San Diego and San Diego State University, CA; Dissertation: 代理变异理论:从后人类行为视角考察本科生物化学教学中的表征实践

M.S., Chemistry; University of California San Diego, CA; Thesis: 以学习理论为导向的移动学习模式迭代发展——以加强本科有机化学实验教学为目标



Dr. 王嵩(Ted)的研究方向是化学教育. 具体地说, 他的兴趣集中在后人文主义和具身观点的表征下研究学生学习, 教育技术的公平实施, 以及STEM教师的专业发展.


Randa, L., Wang, S.,游泳池,Z.菲格罗亚,V.布里奇曼,A.布西,T., & Sung, R. J.; Exploring Undergraduate 生物化学 Students’ Gesture Production Through an Embodied Framework; cbe -生命科学教育, 2024, 23(2), ar16

Wang, S., Sung, RJ.布西,T.; Equity analysis of an augmented reality mediated collaborative learning activity in college biochemistry classroom. 科学教学研究杂志, 2023, 60(9), pp 1942-1966, http://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21847

Wang, S., Lo, S. M., & Bussey, T. J.; Post-humanist perspective for investigating learning with representations in biochemistry. In 第17届国际学习科学会议论文集- ICLS 2023; Blikstein, P.范·阿尔斯特,J., Kizito, R., & Brennan, K. Eds; International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp. 1943-1944.

Lo, S., Suarez, N., Park, E., Wilton, M., Wang, S.布里奇斯,S., ... & Sato, B;  Faculty conceptions of diversity, assessment, grading, 学生的能力与课程成绩的种族差异有关. 生物化学杂志. 2023, 299(3), S238-S239.

Suarez, N. A., Wang, S.布里奇斯,S., & Lo, S; How Higher Education Instructors Conceptualize Diversity: A Phenomenographic Study. In 第16届国际学习科学会议论文集- ICLS 2022国际学习科学学会. pp. 289-296. 

Lo, S. M., Suarez, N. A., Wang, S., & Brydges, S.; Identity, Power, and Legitimacy: Faculty Conceptions of Diversity in Higher Education. FASEB期刊, 2022, 36, http://doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.R5257.

Randa, L.布里奇曼,A.菲格罗亚,V.,游泳池,Z., Wang, S.布西,T., & Sung, R. J.; Gesticulating 生物化学: Exploring the Impact of using Augmented Reality Models on Students’ Usage of Gestures when Talking about 生物化学. FASEB期刊, 2022, 36, http://doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.0R379.